San Felipe Recap


Throughout our time in San Felipe, we would do morning and night devotionals as a team. Three of the mornings we were there, we were blessed with the opportunity to have other long-term missionaries come and lead us in a devotional. The four missionaries that came and shared were: Tom & Jill Fort, and John & Bonnie Gilbert. There were several main takeaways just from the devotionals alone. One of my favorite things that Tom shared with us was a very encouraging verse from Romans 10:15. It says, “And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.” Hearing this verse felt like I was being anointed with honey. I felt Jesus comforting and encouraging me. I knew He was pleased to see me honor and obey him by saying yes to the call He put on my heart, to travel down to San Felipe and share the good news of Jesus Christ.

We had a unique opportunity to be sharing the gospel to these children during Holy Week (the week leading up to Easter Sunday). One parable from the gospels that Bonnie & John shared with our team was the Parable of the Lost Sheep from Luke 15:4-7. I did not realize how much this parable was going to cheer me up and provide strength when I needed it most throughout this mission trip. The main take away from this parable is that a good shepherd willingly leaves the ninety-nine sheep to find the lost one.


During four of the six days our team was there, we had the privilege to partner with Un Nuevo Comienzo Church (which translates into A New Beginning). We joyfully helped Un Nuevo Comienzo run a VBS for Mexican youth in the area.

Our VBS days would often kickstart with a game of soccer as the kids would frantically run around for the first 45 minutes. The kids that didn't want to participate in soccer would usually hang out with Anna, Joe, or myself. For the non-soccer kiddos we would paint nails, make crafts, and play cornhole. Our cornhole skills mostly ended in us just throwing beanbags around; but nonetheless, it was still very fun. Later on each day we would transition to group games for the kids that wanted to participate. This was such a fun experience to watch all the kids play together. It brought us great joy to demonstrate the different relay games that each child was about to preform.

After all the fun and games were over, we would usually transition to a time of either magic or crafts. Paul, on the team who went by Pablo to the kids, performed some magic tricks that blew the crowd away. Paul did such an amazing job of using magic tricks to share the gospel. He would demonstrate that sin was inside each and everyone of us, but with the help of Jesus, we were able to remove sin from our lives and be with God. After magic, I had the opportunity to help lead the children in a craft. I was overcome with joy as I was able to share bits and pieces of the gospel as I explained why these crafts were important, and how they related to the lesson they were about to learn. After crafts, we would transition to a time of worship and Bible lessons. Then we would feed the kids before we sent them home to their families praying they would show up again the next day. The first day we started with around 55 kids and we ended the last day with around 65 to 70 children.

As I mentioned before, the Parable of the Lost Sheep was extremely encouraging to me. I often found myself throughout this trip, feeding into the lies that I am inadequate, and not doing enough for the kids around me. I often wasn’t where many of my other team members were; due to being with the kids that did not want to participate in soccer or the other games. It wasn’t until towards the end of the trip that I felt the Lord encouraging me and reminding me that He called me down to Mexico not for the 99 children that already know about Jesus, but for the one child that doesn’t have Jesus in their life or a Christ-like example to look up too.

“I tell you, in the same way, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who don’t need repentance.” -Luke‬ ‭15‬:‭7‬ ‭

If I could encourage you with one take-a-way from this mission trip, it would be this: who is the one in your life that doesn’t know Jesus? Who is the one that you feel God putting on your heart to share the good news with and to love on? I encourage you to walk in obedience with God and pray over the ones in your life that are like the lost sheep. Thank you again for partnering with us on this journey. We could not have done it without your prayers, and support. You are loved. You are beautifully made. You are a child of the living God. Now go use those beautiful feet to spread the good news of Jesus Christ.