My experience: Tijuana 2024

This year's trip to Tijuana was really amazing. It was very impactful to witness the living conditions in Tijuana and especially to get the chance to bless a family with a new home. It was also amazing to get to grow closer with friends while working with them and to experience the fulfillment of working for God's purpose. Although the days were tiring and we didn't get much sleep, it was amazing to see how energized everyone was to continue working all through the trip.

I am so thankful to everyone who helped donate for me to go on this trip, I couldn't have done it without any of you and it was so amazing to be able to go.

If you are reading this and are unsure about going on this trip, I strongly suggest that you do. Safety is the church's first priority, and we experienced no issues at any point. The trip is very enjoyable and fulfilling, and you can still have an impact whether you have experience working with your hands or not.